
Monday, November 21, 2016

what minecraft is

This video is to show what tynker is and sort of what minecraft is. me and oska worked really hard on this so everyone enjoy!!!

Leaving kaurilands

Leaving Kaurilands!

The year sixes are leaving Kaurilands in FOUR WEEKS! 😨😭

EVERYONE is exited about intermediate but super SAD that our time at Kaurilands is almost over!!!! 

But we have to enjoy our time here while we can! 😃
Happy Christmas!!!!!

Image result for christmas gif

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The new scoop

The Decision Makers

The Decision Makers are making sure that there are going to be no problems for the annual celebration and 0800 Rainbow is ringing off the hook! The DM are desperately needing more people for work and tourists are coming in fast!
Image result for decision makers

Hope they don't overload and quit!
Sorry! Becoming a spoiler! See you till next time! Secret squirrel go!

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Entertainers

The Entertainers

So you've heard about the Innovators right? Well here is another sector of the production, the ENTERTAINERS! 
The entertainers keep the community happy and entertained and are currently preparing for a big show explaining how the community began.
I will now stop giving spoilers and be a secret squirrel!

Parakai info

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Parakai springs trip

Parakai springs

All the year 6s are preparing for their big trip to parakai springs.

fun, just this wasn't us
skip to 30 seconds if you don't want to be bored to death!

parakai is really fun and we get to go to that place in a few weeks!
check out the other one for info on rainbows end our most famous amusement park in NZ!

Y6 Production Update : Innovators / Inventors section

Here is the latest update on the Y6 Production. Today: the Inventors and robot designers section.

Our production is going great! We are having so much fun creating it and bring it to life. We are in four different groups, the group I will be telling you about today is the inventors and robot section. The characters we are making in this sector are very clever and they make lots of inventions, the biggest and most important being robots. They are constantly creating newer and better robots. 
Our part starts as an advertisement for the latest robot.    
cartoon robot walking sketch
That's all I can tell you now. 
Now back to being a secret squirrel! 

Rainbows End


The Year Sixes are getting super pumped for the Rainbows End trip at the end of the year. I asked some kids about why they are exited. Ella- "I am exited because I am tall enough for the scorpion carts" Mia- "I am tall enough to go on all the rides" Tom-  "I'm exited about the Stratosphere" Bethan (me)- "I AM GONNA GO ON ALL THE RIDES" 



Sabine Volkert halloween monster animation trick or treat

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Where is New Zealand?

Most of you are probably wondering where New Zealand actually is.

Well I am going to tell you.

Lots of people have never heard of New Zealand, and it is actually quite annoying when people ask "Where's New Zealand?" because it's quite hard to tell people, which is why I'm telling you now. 

Yup. That's us, that little one down there in the bottom right-hand corner. Find us on your map at home or at school, or maybe on the web. You might play rugby, if you do you will probably have heard of the All Blacks, we won the last world cup.

Hopefully this has helped you with where NZ is.