
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

ITS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Cultural Performance is TONIGHT!

Every performer is buzzing and preparing for the big night. The acts are looking fantastic and the hosts are feeling confident (hopefully).

Oops sorry got to go. Cultural Performance, here I come!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Hello, we have the latest update on the disco. It was the best night of our lives!! (I think.)
Everyone was singing, dancing and shouting. The DJ blew the roof off with songs such as "Can't stop the feeling" by Justin Timberlake  Click me to check out the song! , Whip/Naenae by Silento Whip/Naenae, and MUCH more.  This was the last and (probably) the best disco at Kaurilands for the year sixes. There were snacks and drinks for the kids if they felt thirsty or peckish. You will never want to leave once you get there. It was a good way to finish the week.

Book week interview

Our book loving librarian has just given us a report on the upcoming book week!
Book week is 5 days of school where the whole school decorates cakes, dresses up and the library is open for kids to come in and buy books, stationary and more.

To do:
Monday: Cake decorating
Tuesday: Roald Dahl's 100th birthday
Wednesday:Visiting author
Thursday: Class decor
Friday: Book parade
"The cake decorating kids are phenomenal!" Says our Librarian.(She seems very excited)
She thinks the kids will be looking forward to the dressing up. (I am!)
The visiting author sounds spectacular as well. Our librarian describes him as a fabulous author & illustrator.
Our librarian has a secret costume.( comment what you think it is in the comments below. We will reveal on Friday 12th September or Saturday 13th September.
We can't wait!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


It's coming! The one, the only, KAURILANDS DISCO!

Just sayin the kawaii mei'fwa is PUMPED! I have already started picking out my clothes and everyone is getting organised. I asked a few students on their thoughts about the disco. "I'm very very ecstatic"- Ella. "I'm really exited and I'm hoping that no one is going to get glow stick poisoning"- Mia.

See you at the disco ;D