
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome Jeb and Dinnerbone

2 new Minecraft mobs has got Ropu Rua buzzing.

The first one, jeb_ is a sheep that changes colour. He is  a very cute creature but you can only use the jeb_ name with a sheep as it won't work with any other mob.

The second one is called Dinnerbone. Dinnerbone is a mob that stands on his head. This name will work with any mob. Personally, I like Dinnerbone best in his villager form.

You may ask, whats the best part about this feature? Well you can combine jeb_ with Dinnerbone!

So there you have it! That is the latest news in Ropu Rua. Bye!


  1. how did you find out about jeb and dinnerbone?

  2. I like mincraft. do you play sky wars?
