
Tuesday, December 13, 2016



OMG! The year 6s had their graduation ceromony and everybody was cring with sadness and happyness at the same time. Now we have to wait for friday when we embark on a new adventure. Now excuse me while I go have a cry session... WAAAHHHHHHH! 😩😫😭😭😭😭

Thursday, December 1, 2016

rainbows end was a blast!!!!!!!

Rainbows end was the best time of our life!!!
Lots of people went on the most popular ride the farefall,
Image result for rainbows end fear fall
another popular ride was the stratosphere,

Mounting biking

Hi guys my passion is mounting biking. I love mounting biking because it keeps you fit and it Oslo is fun so its a win win 😁 . What I love about mounting biking is that you get to experience greatness and nature of the world  

merry xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS FORM KAWAII MEIFWA AND NINJAGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Christmas is coming up in 23 more days!!! 23 days AKA 3 weeks and 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!! Rumor has it that our teacher Josh is doing... SECRET SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas means presents, food, decorating, food, family, fun... wait did I mention food? In New Zealand, it is summertime so we go to the beach and get together with family and have a picnic or something! We have a NZ cake called Pavalova which is a big meringue 'cake' with fruit.  Image result for pavlova< this is Pavalova


 The year 6 production is NEXT WEEK!!! All the year 6 crew are getting ready by practicing their lines and rehearsing almost everyday.
we will update you on the production soon!

Monday, November 21, 2016

what minecraft is

This video is to show what tynker is and sort of what minecraft is. me and oska worked really hard on this so everyone enjoy!!!

Leaving kaurilands

Leaving Kaurilands!

The year sixes are leaving Kaurilands in FOUR WEEKS! 😨😭

EVERYONE is exited about intermediate but super SAD that our time at Kaurilands is almost over!!!! 

But we have to enjoy our time here while we can! 😃
Happy Christmas!!!!!

Image result for christmas gif

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The new scoop

The Decision Makers

The Decision Makers are making sure that there are going to be no problems for the annual celebration and 0800 Rainbow is ringing off the hook! The DM are desperately needing more people for work and tourists are coming in fast!
Image result for decision makers

Hope they don't overload and quit!
Sorry! Becoming a spoiler! See you till next time! Secret squirrel go!

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Entertainers

The Entertainers

So you've heard about the Innovators right? Well here is another sector of the production, the ENTERTAINERS! 
The entertainers keep the community happy and entertained and are currently preparing for a big show explaining how the community began.
I will now stop giving spoilers and be a secret squirrel!

Parakai info

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Parakai springs trip

Parakai springs

All the year 6s are preparing for their big trip to parakai springs.

fun, just this wasn't us
skip to 30 seconds if you don't want to be bored to death!

parakai is really fun and we get to go to that place in a few weeks!
check out the other one for info on rainbows end our most famous amusement park in NZ!

Y6 Production Update : Innovators / Inventors section

Here is the latest update on the Y6 Production. Today: the Inventors and robot designers section.

Our production is going great! We are having so much fun creating it and bring it to life. We are in four different groups, the group I will be telling you about today is the inventors and robot section. The characters we are making in this sector are very clever and they make lots of inventions, the biggest and most important being robots. They are constantly creating newer and better robots. 
Our part starts as an advertisement for the latest robot.    
cartoon robot walking sketch
That's all I can tell you now. 
Now back to being a secret squirrel! 

Rainbows End


The Year Sixes are getting super pumped for the Rainbows End trip at the end of the year. I asked some kids about why they are exited. Ella- "I am exited because I am tall enough for the scorpion carts" Mia- "I am tall enough to go on all the rides" Tom-  "I'm exited about the Stratosphere" Bethan (me)- "I AM GONNA GO ON ALL THE RIDES" 



Sabine Volkert halloween monster animation trick or treat

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Where is New Zealand?

Most of you are probably wondering where New Zealand actually is.

Well I am going to tell you.

Lots of people have never heard of New Zealand, and it is actually quite annoying when people ask "Where's New Zealand?" because it's quite hard to tell people, which is why I'm telling you now. 

Yup. That's us, that little one down there in the bottom right-hand corner. Find us on your map at home or at school, or maybe on the web. You might play rugby, if you do you will probably have heard of the All Blacks, we won the last world cup.

Hopefully this has helped you with where NZ is. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Y6 production

Woo! We are pumped! The year sixes are spending 24/7 (I'm just exaggerating) on the year 6 production taking place in week 9. We are being secret squirrels ( We're not allowed to tell others ) about this amazing production. It is serious but has to have humorous parts Duh! We are thinking of having an unusual stage A.K.A Something new.  I can't tell you no more, Bye!
Image result for theatre arts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

ITS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Cultural Performance is TONIGHT!

Every performer is buzzing and preparing for the big night. The acts are looking fantastic and the hosts are feeling confident (hopefully).

Oops sorry got to go. Cultural Performance, here I come!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Hello, we have the latest update on the disco. It was the best night of our lives!! (I think.)
Everyone was singing, dancing and shouting. The DJ blew the roof off with songs such as "Can't stop the feeling" by Justin Timberlake  Click me to check out the song! , Whip/Naenae by Silento Whip/Naenae, and MUCH more.  This was the last and (probably) the best disco at Kaurilands for the year sixes. There were snacks and drinks for the kids if they felt thirsty or peckish. You will never want to leave once you get there. It was a good way to finish the week.

Book week interview

Our book loving librarian has just given us a report on the upcoming book week!
Book week is 5 days of school where the whole school decorates cakes, dresses up and the library is open for kids to come in and buy books, stationary and more.

To do:
Monday: Cake decorating
Tuesday: Roald Dahl's 100th birthday
Wednesday:Visiting author
Thursday: Class decor
Friday: Book parade
"The cake decorating kids are phenomenal!" Says our Librarian.(She seems very excited)
She thinks the kids will be looking forward to the dressing up. (I am!)
The visiting author sounds spectacular as well. Our librarian describes him as a fabulous author & illustrator.
Our librarian has a secret costume.( comment what you think it is in the comments below. We will reveal on Friday 12th September or Saturday 13th September.
We can't wait!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


It's coming! The one, the only, KAURILANDS DISCO!

Just sayin the kawaii mei'fwa is PUMPED! I have already started picking out my clothes and everyone is getting organised. I asked a few students on their thoughts about the disco. "I'm very very ecstatic"- Ella. "I'm really exited and I'm hoping that no one is going to get glow stick poisoning"- Mia.

See you at the disco ;D

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

More of the backstage buisness

The Cultural performance is 3 weeks away and the performers are buzzing. Every act has a lot of pressure put on them to get their act polished and technology boss Tom Livesy is being hassled by Bethan and Ella to not mess up their quiz act. "I feel depressed" says Tom (which is obviously an exaggeration)
Update over!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The backstage bizz on the cultural performance

Lately in Kaurilands, years after years of the talent show called showcase, the school's most creative and most talented drama teacher Kylie Parkinson has come up with the most brilliant idea tput a cultural twist on showcase. Today the blogging crew went to talk to Kylie about how the idea began. 'Well,' Kylie told us. ' I wanted more of a variety of performances than what we had in showcase. I thought that some kids would audition that wouldn’t have done for showcase and it's definitely worked.' Kylie also told us that she thinks that the cultural performance has absolutely brought confidence through the kids who are entering. She thinks that the cultural performance will develop an awareness around the worlds cultures. Kylie thinks also that it is different and it is a nice change and she has doubled the amount of performances from showcase. Lately all the kids that are in the performance have been practicing non stop due to the fact that the night's only A FEW WEEKS AWAY!!! The script writers have seen most of the acts and are now working on , you guessed it, the script for this years most exiting event! The nerves are tingling as the performers practice as much as the can before the spotlight pours on to their moment like a shining star.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Yr 6 Sport

 Yr 6 Sport

Every Friday in the last block consisting of 1h 10 minutes, the whole of the year 6 emerge from their classrooms and use all the rest of their days energy to play sport. The kids have a choice of, 
dodge-ball, octopus or working inside e.g. working on a TFU (Teacher Follow Up)
this doesn't happen ^

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome Jeb and Dinnerbone

2 new Minecraft mobs has got Ropu Rua buzzing.

The first one, jeb_ is a sheep that changes colour. He is  a very cute creature but you can only use the jeb_ name with a sheep as it won't work with any other mob.

The second one is called Dinnerbone. Dinnerbone is a mob that stands on his head. This name will work with any mob. Personally, I like Dinnerbone best in his villager form.

You may ask, whats the best part about this feature? Well you can combine jeb_ with Dinnerbone!

So there you have it! That is the latest news in Ropu Rua. Bye!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Welcome To Ropu Rua

Welcome viewers!
We will be showing you how life is like in Ropu Rua. Ropu Rua is actually two joined classrooms even though they're not even joined! The two classrooms are rooms 3&6. In Ropu Rua there are two teachers since there are two classrooms. Ropu Rua is lucky to have a male teacher and a female, their names are Josh and Franny. Here is a video of what it is like in Ropu Rua!!!

By Ryan and Hannah

The mystery on what happened to Franny's elbow.
Last week Franny was walking along in the morning like she usually does she tripped over and hit her elbow. After she fell over she thought she was all right so she carried on with the day. After a while she had a really bad pain so she went to the doctors. They scanned an x-ray over her elbow they found out that she had fractured her elbow. She was told she had to wear a sling for 6 weeks but after just under a week she was out of the sling and up and running (not really running though). And till this day she is still using her arm like nothing happened. This is what her fractured elbow looks like.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mincraft gone viral

Ever since Ropu Rua started doing independent research projects Minecraft has become a popular way of showing your work. When the Chromebooks came into the school, the old dell computers were lost in time. But when the students discovered that the old laptops were in Room 8a, they disappeared faster than lightning. This proves that Minecraft is super popular.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Finishing calendar art too difficult and important

Lately in Ropu Rua most kids have finished their calendar art but some have proven that finishing is one of the most difficult jobs. If they give up on the job they set out to do, their calendar art will not be sent home at the high standard they expected. The kids get most of the day to finish and are able to complete the art when they have nothing else to do. For all of Ropu Tahi and Rua this will be their last calendar art at primary school and they need to make it special, so every second counts. The calendar art is very important to our Ropu because it'll remind them of the time they had in year six and at this school.